Gaman að sjá þig !

Ég er fluttur Hingað !!!

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Ég er fluttur !!!

* PACO DE LUCIA , John McLaughlin , AL DI MEOLA *


* Beowulf Þrívídd *

Ég er í algjöru sjokki !! Ég fór á Beowulf í gær, &verð bara að segja að ég er rosalega þakklátur fyrir það að kvikmyndabransinn skuli alltaf ná að toppa sjálfan sig... Flestir voru nú hættir að hugsa um 3-D, og mín upplifun af því var eins og að vera á skíðum í skíðaskóm sem pössuðu ekki alveg...... Ekki hægt að njóta ferðarinnar, vegna þess að það er alltaf einhver núningur fyrir gleðinni. . . . En ekki núna, þetta var eins og að vera í sérsmíðuðum bullum. Ég stóð mig að því aftur & aftur að því að vera búinn að gleyma því að ég væri í bíó, &bara orðinn partur af myndinni. Mæli eindregið með þessari mynd, ég ætla allavega að skella mér aftur áður en hún hverfur úr bíó.....

Svo er spurning hvort ljósmyndaiðnaðurinn fari ekki að taka kvikmyndaiðnaðinn sér til fyrirmyndar &fari að þróast örlítið !!!
Þetta gæti verið fín pæling....

Smá kafli úr ellefu mínútum eftir Paulo Coelho...

Alalpersónan María er vændiskona....

"‘I’m the one who should feel ashamed for being unable to arouse them, but, no, they always blame themselves.’

To avoid such embarrassments, Maria always tried to put men at their ease, and if someone seemed drunker or more fragile than usual, she would avoid full sex and concentrate instead on caresses and masturbation, which always seemed to please them immensely, absurd though this might seem, since they could perfectly well masturbate on their own.

She had to make sure that they didn’t feel ashamed. These men, so powerful and arrogant at work, constantly having to deal with employees, customers, suppliers, prejudices, secrets, posturings, hypocrisy, fear and oppression, ended their day in a nightclub and they didn’t mind spending three hundred and fifty Swiss francs to stop being themselves for a night.

‘For a night? Now come on, Maria, you’re exaggerating. It’s really only forty-five minutes, and if you allow time for taking off clothes, making some phony gesture of affection, having a bit of banal conversation and getting dressed again, the amount of time spent actually having sex is about eleven minutes.’

Eleven minutes. The world revolved around something that only took eleven minutes.

And because of those eleven minutes in any one twenty-four-hour day (assuming that they all made love to their wives every day, which is patently absurd and a complete lie) they got married, supported a family, put up with screaming kids, thought up ridiculous excuses to justify getting home late, ogled dozens, if not hundreds of other women with whom they would like to go for a walk around Lake Geneva, bought expensive clothes for themselves and even more expensive clothes for their wives, paid prostitutes to try to give them what they were missing, and thus sustained a vast industry of cosmetics, diet foods, exercise, pornography and power, and yet when they got together with other men, contrary to popular belief, they never talked about women. They talked about jobs, money and sport.

Something was very wrong with civilisation, and it wasn’t the destruction of the Amazon rainforest or the ozone layer, the death of the panda, cigarettes, carcinogenic foodstuffs or prison conditions, as the newspapers would have it.

It was precisely the thing she was working with: sex."

Do you agree?

Var að setja inn nýjustu afurð kattafjölskyldunnar "Leopard" &fer það samstarf afskaplega vel af stað sem fyrr... Lookið er alveg æðislegt & ég er strax orðinn háður sumum fídusum & skil ekkert í því hvernig maður komst af án þeirra....

* Benny Lava er minn maður *

Besti texti sem ég hef séð .....

84%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

Ákvað að labba heim eftir vinnu í gær, svo áttaði ég mig fljótlega á því að það var heldur kaldara en ég átti von á....Nennti þá ekkert að fara að snúa við, heldur fann ég mér Tiger búð & fékk allan nauðsynlegan búnað á 600kr. Góða hanska &þessa líka fínu húfu.....Snilldarbúð ;)

* Eddie Vedder 'Here's to the State of George W ' *

here's to the judges of John Roberts,
who wear the robe of honor in a phony legal form,
and justices are stranger when the partisans report,
when the court elected a president it was the beginning of this war,

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
John Roberts find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the government of Dick Cheney,
with criminals posing as advisors to the crown,
and they hope that no one sees the sites or that no one hears the sounds,
cause the speeches of our president are the remains of a clown

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
Dick Cheney find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the churches of Jerry Falwell,
oh the cross once made of silver now is turned to rust,
and the sunday morning services preach in fear of men in love,
and God only knows in heaven they must trust

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
Jerry Falwell find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the laws of Alberto Gonzalez,
congress will pass an act in the panic of the day,
and the Constitution's drowning in an ocean of decay,
and freedom of speech is dangerous i've even heard them say,

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
Gonzalez find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the businessmen of George W,
who'll want to change the focus from Halliburton to Enron
and their profits like blood money spilled out on the white house lawn,
to keep their hold on power they're using terror as a con,
while the bombs they fall on children dont know which side...dont care which side that they're on

here's to the land you tore out the heart of,
George W find yourself another country to be part of

here's to the land youve torn out the heart of,
George W find yourself another country to be part of

* Ég hélt ég mundi deyja úr Hlátri !! *

* Kleppur Hraðferð *

Ég Gógó&Prins vöknuðum upp um klukkan hálf tvö í nótt við mikinn dynk & læti.... Við erum nú soldið vön ýmsu neðan af Eimskipasvæðinu, en þetta voru rosaleg læti, &eins&þau kæmu úr bakgarðinum... Við sáum ekki neitt, en mér fannst eins&það kæmi gufustrókur upp í áttina að sæbrautinni.... Okkur varð soldið brugðið, en fórum bara aftur að sofa. Sáum svo þessa frétt á mbl í morgun....

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